Our Technology at a Glance
Our invisible watermarking technology is designed to provide image sharing platforms with more than just a layer of protection. We’re dedicated to safeguarding digital privacy.
By embedding watermarks directly into the image’s pixels, our technology offers a robust deterrent and solution to unauthorised image distribution, supporting a more secure digital landscape.
Unique, Traceable Information
Digital forensic watermarks embed unique, traceable information directly into the visible pixels of an image, rather than relying on metadata that can be easily stripped.
Workflow involves wrapping the image URL in an Image Angel URL that applies the watermark upon request. This ensures that the original, unwatermarked image is never exposed to the end user.
Encrypted With
URL is encrypted with AES-256 in GCM mode, ensuring that it cannot be tampered with or exposed to unauthorized users. Watermark ID and auxiliary data cannot be altered without detection.
Digital Forensic Watermarking
The development and operation of Image Angel’s on-demand digital forensic watermarking system involves a combination of advanced technologies across several areas. These include image processing, cryptography, and cloud infrastructure.
Below is a breakdown of the key technological components.

Digital Signal Processing (DSP): The core of Image Angel’s watermarking technology modifies the visible pixels of an image to embed imperceptible data directly into the image signal, rather than into metadata. DSP techniques analyze and alter pixel values in a way that makes the watermark robust yet undetectable to the human eye.
Blind & Semi-Blind Watermarking Algorithms: These algorithms allow the watermark to be detected without access to the original image (blind watermarking). Image Angel uses a semi-blind approach, where access to the original may improve detection but isn’t strictly necessary.
Image Quality and Perceptibility: Image Angel’s watermarking is designed to minimize perceptual differences by analyzing color channels and pixel variances. This ensures no visible degradation in image quality, even after embedding 64 bits of data.
AI-Driven Watermark Optimization: Ongoing research into artificial intelligence and machine learning improves both watermark robustness and perceptual quality. AI is used to fine-tune the balance between the watermark’s imperceptibility and its ability to resist tampering, such as cropping or resizing.
Watermark Detection Using AI: Machine learning models enhance the detection accuracy of watermarks in modified images. These models can analyze patterns of image changes to detect even faint watermarks after distortions like filtering or screenshotting.
AES-256 Encryption: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), secures the watermarking process. When generating URLs for watermarked images, Image Angel encrypts the URL using AES-256 in GCM mode, ensuring that the download URL cannot be tampered with. This guarantees both the security of the image and the integrity of the watermark.
Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD): This mechanism prevents users from modifying the watermark ID or other auxiliary information embedded in the image URL. The additional data ensures that any changes to the image’s identifying information will be detected, and access to the watermarked image will be denied.
Cloud-Based Storage & Distribution: Platforms often use cloud-based services like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage to store and distribute images. Image Angel integrates with these services, using signed URLs or other access mechanisms to securely transfer images between storage and the end user.
URL Wrapping and API Integration: The Image Angel API wraps the image storage URL in an Image Angel URL that embeds the watermark when the image is downloaded. This wrapping happens on the client platform’s server, which minimizes overhead and allows the platform to maintain control over the image distribution process without revealing unwatermarked images.
CDN Integration: For optimized performance, Image Angel can integrate with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to deliver watermarked images rapidly across geographic locations. This ensures that users can quickly download individually watermarked images without delays.
Temporary Caching: To improve efficiency, Image Angel caches watermarked images for a short period. This allows users who download or open the same image multiple times (for example, on different devices) to quickly receive the same watermarked version without reprocessing the image.
REST API: Image Angel’s watermarking and detection system is accessible via a REST API, allowing platforms to integrate the watermarking process into their existing workflows. The API supports secure communication between the platform and the Image Angel service for real-time watermarking.
Software Development Kit (SDK): Image Angel provides SDKs that developers can use to integrate watermarking capabilities directly into their applications. This makes the adoption of the technology seamless, allowing platform developers to access pre-built functionality for embedding and detecting watermarks.
GDPR Compliance: Image Angel's watermarking technology adheres to data protection standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The embedded watermarks are designed to protect the image's privacy without violating the rights of the individual or their data. The encryption methods used ensure that the personal information tied to an image (e.g., watermark ID, user info) remains secure.
On-Demand Watermarking for Privacy: Image Angel generates watermarked images dynamically when requested, avoiding the need to store pre-watermarked images, which could expose sensitive data.